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The matters discussed on this website that are not historical facts includes forward-looking statements concerning the company’s financial results (including the outlook for fourth-quarter and full-year 2023) and business development and regulatory activities. 这些前瞻性陈述是基于对许多重要因素的假设, 包括以下内容, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements: the company’s ability to execute and 完整的 strategic initiatives, 资产处置及其他交易, 包括该公司肾脏护理部门的拟议分拆以及该公司简化其制造足迹的计划, 这类交易的时机, 满足任何适用条件和预期收益的能力, consideration and benefits; failure to accurately forecast or achieve the company’s short- and long-term financial improvement performance and goals (including with respect to the company’s strategic actions); the company’s ability to execute on its capital allocation plans, 包括公司的债务偿还计划, 分红的时间和数量, share repurchases and acquisition proceeds and the capital structure of the public company that the company expects to form as a result of the proposed spinoff (and the resulting capital structure for the remaining company); the impact of global economic conditions (including, 除此之外, 通货膨胀水平, 利率, 金融市场波动, 银行危机, 经济衰退的可能性, 乌克兰正在进行的战争, 以色列和加沙以及其他地缘政治事件, the related economic 制裁 being imposed globally in response to the conflicts and potential trade wars and the expansion of such conflicts) and continuing public health crises, 流行病和流行病, 例如COVID-19大流行, 或者对上述任何一种情况的预期, 公司的运作和公司的员工, 客户和供应商, including foreign governments in countries in which the company operates; downgrades to the company’s credit ratings or ratings outlooks, and the related impact on the company’s funding costs and liquidity; product development risks, including satisfactory clinical performance and obtaining and maintaining required regulatory approvals (including as a result of evolving regulatory requirements or the withdrawal or resubmission of any pending applications), 以适当规模生产的能力, and the general unpredictability associated with the product development cycle; product quality or patient safety issues leading to product 回忆, 取款, 启动延迟, 警告信, 进口禁令, 制裁, 癫痫发作, 诉讼, 或者销售额下降, including the focus on evaluating product portfolios for the potential presence or formation of nitrosamines; future actions of (or failures to act or delays in acting by) FDA, 欧洲药品管理局或任何其他监管机构或政府当局(包括美国证券交易委员会), 律政司, 联邦贸易委员会, 医疗保险中心 & 医疗补助服务或任何州的司法部长)可能会延迟, 限制或暂停产品开发, 制造业, 出售或偿还或导致缉获, 回忆, 禁令, 经济制裁或刑事或民事责任, including the lifting of the 警告信 at the company’s Ahmedabad facility; demand for and market acceptance risks for and competitive pressures related to new and existing products (including challenges with the company’s ability to accurately predict changing consumer preferences and future expenditures, 哪些因素导致并可能继续导致库存水平上升, 技术的需求和进步以及由此产生的对客户库存水平的影响), and the impact of those products on quality and patient safety concerns; breaches, 包括网络攻击, 数据泄漏, 未经授权的访问或盗窃, or failures of or vulnerabilities in the company’s information technology systems or products; the continuity, availability and pricing of acceptable raw materials and component parts (and the company’s ability to pass some or all of these costs to the company’s customers through recent price increases 或以其他方式), and the related continuity of the company’s 制造业 and distribution and those of the company’s suppliers; inability to create additional production capacity in a timely manner or the occurrence of other 制造业, 消毒或供应困难(包括由于自然灾害), 公共卫生危机和流行病/大流行, regulatory actions 或以其他方式); the company’s ability to finance and develop new products or enhancements on commercially acceptable terms or at all; loss of key 员工, the occurrence of labor disruptions or the inability to identify and recruit new 员工; failures with respect to the company’s quality, compliance or ethics programs; future actions of third parties, including third-party payers and the company’s customers and distributors (including group purchasing organizations and integrated delivery networks), 医疗改革的影响及其实施, 悬架, 废除, 更换, 修正案, modification and other similar actions undertaken by the United States or foreign governments; the outcome of pending or future 诉讼, 竞争产品和价格的影响, 包括仿制药竞争, 药物再进口和破坏性技术(包括SGLT2拮抗剂等药理进展), GLP-1 agonists and selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists); global regulatory, trade and tax policies (including with respect to climate change and other sustainability matters); the ability to protect or enforce the company’s owned or in-licensed patent or other proprietary rights (including trademarks, 版权, 阻止或限制公司生产的第三方的商业秘密和专有技术或专利, sale or use of affected products or technology; the impact of any goodwill or other intangible asset impairments on the company’s operating results; fluctuations in foreign exchange and 利率; any changes in law concerning the taxation of income (whether with respect to current or future tax reform); actions by tax authorities in connection with ongoing tax audits; and other risks identified in JDB电子官网’s most recent filings on Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and other SEC filings, 所有这些都可以在百特的网站上找到. 除非联邦证券法另有要求,百特不承诺更新其前瞻性陈述.

JDB电子官网, iExaminer职业, 展示全景的+, SpotConnect, 斑点视觉筛选器, Welch Allyn和Zosyn是百特国际公司的注册商标. 或者其子公司.


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